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An introduction to our tales of inclusion and exclusion
Sunday 11th September 2022
Speaker Charlotte Naylor Davis
This sermon does not have an MP3 recording
Additional files (PowerPoint, etc)
The Unexpected Rescue in Matthew 1.18-25
Sunday 8th December 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Micah 7
Sunday 24th November 2024, Rachel Jeffreys -
Justice in Micah 5
Sunday 10th November 2024, Heston Groenewald -
Amos 9
Sunday 27th October 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Amos 5
Sunday 13th October 2024, Ashley Hardingham -
Jonah's call
Sunday 22nd September 2024, Gill Thurgood -
Journey through Jonah, Amos and Micah
Sunday 8th September 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
The end of James
Saturday 27th July 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Walking through James
Sunday 14th July 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
James 1
Sunday 23rd June 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Introduction to James
Sunday 9th June 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Sunday 2nd June 2024, Phil Hatton -
The Ascension
Sunday 5th May 2024, Phil Hatton -
The importance of doubt
Sunday 28th April 2024, Alisdair Clipston -
Faith when you have nothign to hold on to
Sunday 21st April 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Road to Emmaus
Sunday 7th April 2024, Phil Hatton -
Easter Sunday: Hope in the resurrection
Sunday 31st March 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Partnering with Jesus
Sunday 10th March 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
What on EARTH is mission?
Sunday 3rd March 2024, Phil Hatton -
Images in Revelation
Sunday 25th February 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Hope in the Kingdom of Heaven in the Bible
Sunday 11th February 2024, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Suffering and Hope
Sunday 14th January 2024, Stuart Esplin -
Emmanuel God With Us #2 - The God who changes things
Sunday 24th December 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Emmanuel God With Us #1 - The God who moves towards us
Sunday 10th December 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Baptism: what it means for Jesus, what it means for me
Sunday 12th November 2023, Phil Hatton -
What are we called to?
Sunday 22nd October 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Jesus calls us...but how?
Sunday 8th October 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Graham's parting words (13 mins)
Sunday 1st October 2023, Graham Conway-Doel -
Communion (or should it be eucharist?)
Sunday 24th September 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Sacrament Introduction
Sunday 10th September 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Jenni Entrician
Sunday 25th June 2023, Jenni Entrician -
Mark Baxby
Sunday 11th June 2023, Mark Baxby -
The Ways God Speaks #6 - How God speaks to Graham
Sunday 28th May 2023, Graham Conway-Doel -
The Ways God Speaks #5 - Gifts and the spirit
Sunday 14th May 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Neurodiversity in church
Sunday 30th April 2023, Ewan McNeill -
The Ways God Speaks #4 - Prophets and prophecy
Sunday 23rd April 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
The Ways God Speaks #3 - He is risen; hallelujah
Sunday 9th April 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
The Ways God Speaks #2 - Creation
Saturday 25th March 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
The Ways God Speaks #1 - Women in the Bible
Sunday 12th March 2023, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Back to the Future
Sunday 26th February 2023, Simon Hall -
Believing and belonging
Sunday 22nd January 2023, Graham Conway-Doel -
Believing and belonging intro
Sunday 8th January 2023, Graham Conway-Doel -
Charlotte Naylor Davis
Sunday 27th November 2022, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Charlotte Naylor Davis on disability and healing
Sunday 23rd October 2022, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
God sees the excluded
Sunday 9th October 2022, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Who is excluded by God?
Sunday 25th September 2022, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
An introduction to our tales of inclusion and exclusion
Sunday 11th September 2022, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
The 7 Signs In John - Jesus healing the man blind from birth
Sunday 10th July 2022, Gill Bennett -
Colossians 2:1-23
Sunday 26th June 2022, Justin Kennedy -
John 5:1-15
Sunday 12th June 2022, Alex Harris -
The 7 Signs In John #3 - The feeding of the 5000
Sunday 22nd May 2022, Judy Harberd -
Ruth Act 3: Borders and Belonging: Ruth for our Times
Sunday 27th March 2022, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
A Rocha Interview
Sunday 30th January 2022, Rachel Hirst & Colin Beale -
Romans 7:21 (Part 1)
Sunday 23rd January 2022, Simon Hall -
Romans 7:21 (Part 2)
Sunday 23rd January 2022, Simon Hall -
Romans 7:21 (Part 3)
Sunday 23rd January 2022, Simon Hall -
The Father's Embrace
Sunday 16th January 2022, Simon Hall -
Luke 15 11-32 Introduction
Sunday 9th January 2022, Simon Hall -
Jesus - God With Us
Sunday 12th December 2021, Simon Hall -
Hidden in the Great Commission
Sunday 14th November 2021, Nike Adebajo -
Biblical Women - Introduction
Sunday 7th November 2021, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Psalm 137 The Power of Remembrance
Sunday 24th October 2021, Prof Nash -
Black History month week 3
Sunday 17th October 2021, Prof Nash -
Psalm 137
Sunday 10th October 2021, Prof Nash -
Black History Month Introduction
Sunday 3rd October 2021, Prof Nash -
How to be human - James chapter 4
Sunday 26th September 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
James 3: Telling stories about each other
Sunday 19th September 2021, Amanda Higgin -
How to change the World - James 2
Sunday 12th September 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
James 1: How to be human
Sunday 5th September 2021, Simon Hall -
Jeremiah 50: Babylon is Fallen, Show Me the Way to Zion
Sunday 25th July 2021, Simon Hall -
Jeremiah 36 Confronting the Powers
Sunday 18th July 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Jeremiah 31:31-35, A New Covenant
Sunday 11th July 2021, Simon Hall -
Jeremiah 31:2-17 What Heaven on Earth Looks Like
Sunday 4th July 2021, Deb Rooke -
Jeremiah 29: How to Sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land
Sunday 27th June 2021, Jonathan Somerville -
Israel and Palestine Today
Sunday 20th June 2021, Gordon Dey -
Jeremiah 21: The Way of Life and the Way of Death
Sunday 13th June 2021, Prof C L Nash -
Jeremiah 20:7-18: A Cry of Pain
Sunday 6th June 2021, Helen Webb -
Jeremiah ch18 v1-12
Sunday 30th May 2021, Asia Boguslawski -
Jeremiah 17 v19-27: Subversive Sabbath
Sunday 23rd May 2021, Simon Hall -
Jeremiah 17: 5-13 The Final Countdown
Sunday 16th May 2021, Simon Hall -
Jeremiah 12 - How to Complain
Sunday 9th May 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Conclusion to Jeremiah 12 - How to Complain
Sunday 9th May 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Jeremiah 7:16-34 Pop Idol
Sunday 2nd May 2021, Simon Hall -
Jeremiah 6:9-21 - State of the Nation
Sunday 25th April 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Jeremiah - Prophet and loss
Sunday 18th April 2021, Simon Hall -
Developing youth-led community spaces: the CATCH project
Sunday 11th April 2021, Ash Razzaq -
I never expected that: Mission changes our paradigm
Sunday 28th March 2021, Simon Hall -
I've never thought like this before: Mission as psychological transformation
Sunday 21st March 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
I’ve never felt like this before: Mission as Spiritual Transformation (Acts 10 & 11)
Sunday 7th March 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Spiritual warfare: Deliver us from the evil one.
Sunday 28th February 2021, Simon Hall -
Prayer: Listening to God
Sunday 21st February 2021, Leigh Greenwood -
Prayer: Contemplation
Sunday 14th February 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Prayer: Unanswered prayer. 'Your will be done'
Sunday 7th February 2021, Simon Hall -
Prayer: Intercession. 'Your Kingdom Come'
Sunday 31st January 2021, Helen Webb -
Prayer: Petition. 'Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts'
Sunday 24th January 2021, Simon Hall -
Prayer: Adoration. 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.'
Sunday 17th January 2021, Graham Conway-Doel -
Prayer: Why pray? Lord, teach us to pray.
Sunday 10th January 2021, Simon Hall -
The Gospel of Inclusion: Mental Health
Sunday 13th December 2020, Simon Hall -
Sunday 29th November 2020, Ewan McNeil -
Mark 7:Prophetic rage
Sunday 22nd November 2020, Prof C L Nash -
Mark 1: The Gospel of Inclusion; People with disabilities
Sunday 15th November 2020, Sally Nelson -
Mark 2, 15-17: The Gospel of Inclusion; Wealth
Sunday 8th November 2020, Simon Hall -
Mark 5: Daddy's girl
Sunday 25th October 2020, Prof C L Nash -
Mark 15v25-41: Jesus saves us from religion #2
Sunday 18th October 2020, Simon Hall -
Mark 3 - Jesus saves us from religion
Sunday 11th October 2020, Graham Conway-Doel -
Mark's gospel - Sacrifice: The 'end' of religion; Jesus frees us from this too
Sunday 4th October 2020, Simon Hall -
Mark 2 - What's wrong with religion? Purity and shame
Sunday 27th September 2020, Simon Hall -
Mark's gospel - An introduction
Sunday 20th September 2020, Simon Hall -
1 Corinthinans 15 and summary
Sunday 26th July 2020, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
1 Corinthians 14 - Being Y'all when we gather
Sunday 19th July 2020, Simon Hall -
1 Corinthians 12-13 - Are you/we spiritual?
Sunday 12th July 2020, Philip Hatton -
1 Corinthians 11
Sunday 5th July 2020, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
1 Corinthians 8-10 - Rights and freedom
Sunday 28th June 2020, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
1 Corinthians 7 - Contented discontents
Sunday 21st June 2020, Philip Hatton -
1 Corinthians 5&6
Sunday 14th June 2020, Simon Hall -
1 Corinthians 4: The scum of the earth
Sunday 7th June 2020, Craig Downes -
1 Corinthians 3: What is a temple of the Holy Spirit
Sunday 31st May 2020, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
Corinthians 2: We came proclaiming Christ
Sunday 24th May 2020, Graham Conway-Doel -
Corinthians 1: Divisions and who is 'in Christ'
Sunday 17th May 2020, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
Corinthians - an introduction
Sunday 10th May 2020, Charlotte Naylor-Davis -
God and the planet
Sunday 19th April 2020, Simon Hall -
Called to adventure
Sunday 15th March 2020, Justin Kennedy -
Called to be together
Sunday 8th March 2020, Simon Hall -
Called to make disciples
Sunday 1st March 2020, Simon Hall -
Called, whatever we've done
Sunday 16th February 2020, Justin Kennedy -
Called to speak out
Sunday 9th February 2020, Emma Flint -
Called, ready or not
Sunday 2nd February 2020, Phil Hatton -
Called to Follow
Sunday 19th January 2020, Mark Godfrey -
Quo Vadis?
Sunday 12th January 2020, Simon Hall -
Simon Hall
Sunday 15th December 2019, The other Christmas story -
This Community, Here and Now
Sunday 1st December 2019, Simon Hall -
The Worshipping Community
Sunday 17th November 2019, Stuart Esplin -
The Generous Community
Sunday 10th November 2019, Simon Hall -
The Reconciling Community
Sunday 20th October 2019, Sally Smith -
The Encouraging Community
Sunday 13th October 2019, Phil Hatton -
The Christ-Centred Community
Sunday 6th October 2019, Simon Hall -
The Serving Community
Sunday 29th September 2019, Simon Hall -
The Hopeful Community
Sunday 15th September 2019, Phil Hatton -
The Good and Beautiful Community
Sunday 8th September 2019, Simon Hall -
Mission Day - Nepal
Sunday 21st July 2019, Debbie Drew -
Equipping the called, not calling the equipped’
Sunday 14th July 2019, Gill Thurgood -
A Skeleton in God's Closet - Are we ashamed to be Evangelical Christians?
Sunday 7th July 2019, Simon Hall -
How Then Shall We Live (panel discussion)
Sunday 23rd June 2019, Charlotte, Robin & Simon -
Sexuality, Gender and Diversity
Sunday 16th June 2019, Simon Hall -
Marriage and divorce, then and now
Sunday 9th June 2019, Robin Thomson -
God and the sexual revolution
Sunday 2nd June 2019, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
How to disagree well (1 Timothy)
Sunday 26th May 2019, Simon Hall & Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Jesus is the Centre
Sunday 19th May 2019, Simon Hall -
The Big Story of the Bible?
Sunday 12th May 2019, Robin Thomson -
Getting around the library
Sunday 5th May 2019, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Whose Bible is it anyway?
Sunday 28th April 2019, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
Isaiah Chapter 66 + questions following the talk
Sunday 7th April 2019, Graham Brownlee -
Isaiah Chapter 65
Sunday 31st March 2019, Graeme Dodds -
Isaiah 63
Sunday 24th March 2019, Robin Thomson -
Isaiah 61
Sunday 17th March 2019, Simon Hall -
Isaiah Chapter 58
Sunday 10th March 2019, Ben Burgess -
Isaiah 57
Sunday 3rd March 2019, Jo Kapolyo -
Isaiah 55
Sunday 17th February 2019, Mary Taylor -
Isaiah Chapter 54
Sunday 10th February 2019, Charlotte Naylor Davis -
The Fall of Babylon
Sunday 3rd February 2019, Simon Hall -
Isaiah- God's faithfulness in the light of Israel's unfaithfulness
Sunday 20th January 2019, Mark Baxby -
Isaiah - The Servant
Sunday 13th January 2019, Phil Hatton -
Kingdom of God summary
Sunday 16th December 2018, Simon Hall -
The Kingdom and Judgement
Sunday 2nd December 2018, Phil Hatton -
The Kingdom - What Excites me about it
Sunday 25th November 2018, Emma Flint -
The Kingdom - We're on a mission from God
Sunday 18th November 2018, Helen Lambert -
The Kingdom - What kind of king is Jesus?
Sunday 11th November 2018, Mark Prothero -
The Kingdom - What excites me about it
Sunday 4th November 2018, Rachel Muers -
CAP Sunday
Sunday 28th October 2018, Helen Webb -
Did God command Genocide?
Sunday 21st October 2018, Jon Swales -
The Kingdom - Justice
Sunday 14th October 2018, Katy Lambert - International Justice Mission -
Kingdom of God - Mustard Seed
Sunday 7th October 2018, Mark Baxby -
The Kingdom - Grace, Unity and Understanding
Sunday 30th September 2018, Judy Harberd -
The Kingdom and God's power
Sunday 23rd September 2018, Maggie Gee -
The Kingdom
Sunday 16th September 2018, Robin Thomson -
Introduction to The Kingdom
Sunday 9th September 2018, Phil Hatton -
Book of Acts - Chapter 15
Sunday 29th July 2018, Phil Hatton -
Book of Acts - Chapter 14
Sunday 22nd July 2018, Mark Baxby -
Book of Acts - Chapter 13
Sunday 15th July 2018, Robin Thomson -
Chapel A Weekend Away 2018 - Session 3 - Walls and Bridges - How to build community
Sunday 8th July 2018, John & Sue Wilson -
Chapel A Weekend Away 2018 - Session 1 part 1 - Walls and Bridges - How to build community
Saturday 7th July 2018, John & Sue Wilson -
Chapel A Weekend Away 2018 - Session 1 part 2 - Walls and Bridges - How to build community
Saturday 7th July 2018, John & Sue Wilson -
Chapel A Weekend Away 2018 - Session 2 part 1 - Walls and Bridges - How to build community
Saturday 7th July 2018, John & Sue Wilson -
Chapel A Weekend Away 2018 - Session 2 part 2 - Walls and Bridges - How to build community
Saturday 7th July 2018, John & Sue Wilson -
Chapel A Weekend Away 2018 - Brief overview of John & Sue Wilson's ministry in Paris
Saturday 7th July 2018, John & Sue Wilson -
Book of Acts - Chapter 12
Sunday 1st July 2018, Phil Hatton -
Book of Acts - Chapter 11
Sunday 24th June 2018, Robin Thomson -
Book of Acts - Chapter 10
Sunday 17th June 2018, Leigh Greenwood -
Kidz Klub
Sunday 10th June 2018, Sarah Turner -
A skeleton in God's closet - Is God's wrath against me?
Sunday 3rd June 2018, Simon Hall -
Book of Acts - Chapter 9
Sunday 27th May 2018, Simon Hall -
Book of Acts - Chapter 8
Sunday 20th May 2018, Simon Hall -
Pete Wilkie's Testimony
Sunday 13th May 2018, Pete Wilkie -
Book of Acts - Chapters 6 & 7
Sunday 13th May 2018, Robin Thomson -
Book of Acts - Chapter 5
Sunday 6th May 2018, Simon Hall -
Book of Acts - Chapter 4
Sunday 29th April 2018, Mark Prothero -
Book of Acts - Chapter 3
Sunday 22nd April 2018, Simon Hall -
Book of Acts - Chapter 2
Sunday 15th April 2018, Robin Thomson -
Book of Acts - Chapter 1
Sunday 8th April 2018, Simon Hall -
Easter Day Celebration
Sunday 1st April 2018, Simon Hall -
Surprise the World - Sent + Summary
Sunday 25th March 2018, Phil & Viv Hatton + Simon Hall -
A Skeleton in God's Closet - Evil and Suffering
Sunday 11th March 2018, Thomas Jay Oord -
Part 1 - David Skeet - Testimony
Sunday 4th March 2018, David Skeet -
Part 2 - Surprise the World - Called and Sent
Sunday 4th March 2018, David Skeet -
Surprise the World - Learn
Sunday 25th February 2018, Simon Hall -
Surprise the World - Eat
Sunday 18th February 2018, Ben & Julie Burgess and Mark & Lisa Baxby -
Surprise the World - Listen
Sunday 11th February 2018, Leigh Greenwood -
Surprise the World - Bless
Sunday 4th February 2018, Simon Hall -
Being community in the community
Sunday 28th January 2018, Simon Hall -
Trust and Faithfulness
Sunday 21st January 2018, Rev David Robinson -
Life and ministry in Nepal
Sunday 14th January 2018, Chris Drew -
New Year's Eve Talk
Sunday 31st December 2017, Robin Thomson -
Christmas Day Talk
Monday 25th December 2017, Simon Hall -
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7 v 15-29
Sunday 17th December 2017, Shona Shaw -
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7 v 1-14
Sunday 3rd December 2017, Phil Hatton -
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6 v 19-34
Sunday 26th November 2017, Mark Baxby -
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6 v 1-18
Sunday 19th November 2017, Simon Hall -
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5 v 21-48
Sunday 12th November 2017, Simon Hall -
Sermon on the Mount 2 - Matt 5 13-20
Sunday 5th November 2017, Ian Barlow -
Matthew 5 1-12
Sunday 29th October 2017, Simon Hall -
A Skeleton in God's Closet - Other Religions
Sunday 15th October 2017, Simon Hall -
Vision On
Sunday 8th October 2017, Simon Hall -
Open to God's Mission
Sunday 1st October 2017, Simon Hall -
'Vision On' - 'Home'
Sunday 17th September 2017, Simon Hall -
'Vision On' - 'Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength'
Sunday 10th September 2017, Robin Thomson -
Philippians 4 v 4-23
Sunday 30th July 2017, Simon Hall -
Philippians 3 - Rejoice in the Lord
Sunday 23rd July 2017, Phil Hatton -
Journey to Peace
Sunday 16th July 2017, Stephen Ibbotson -
Philippians 1 27 - 2 18
Sunday 9th July 2017, Simon Hall -
Philippians 1 12-26
Sunday 2nd July 2017, Rachel Muers -
Philippians - Introduction & Chapter 1:1-11
Sunday 25th June 2017, Robin Thomson -
Galations 6
Sunday 18th June 2017, Simon Hall -
Galatians 5
Sunday 11th June 2017, Simon Hall -
Galations 4v8-5v1
Sunday 28th May 2017, Simon Hall -
Galations 2 v 11ff
Sunday 14th May 2017, Simon Hall -
Galations 1v11-2v21
Sunday 7th May 2017, Simon Hall -
Galatians Introduction
Sunday 30th April 2017, Simon Hall -
Fruitfulness on the Frontline - Being a Messenger of the Gospel
Sunday 2nd April 2017, Mark Roques -
Fruitfulness on the Frontline: Moulding Culture’
Sunday 26th March 2017, Mark Prothero -
Ministering Grace and Love
Sunday 19th March 2017, Ian Barlow -
Making Good Work
Sunday 12th March 2017, Ben Burgess -
Fruitfulness on the Frontline - Modelling Godly Character
Sunday 5th March 2017, Simon Hall -
Sunday 26th February 2017, Graeme Dodds -
Sunday 19th February 2017, Mark Baxby -
Sunday 12th February 2017, Simon Hall -
Sunday 5th February 2017, Robin Thomson -
Sunday 29th January 2017, Rabbi Esther Hugenholtz -
Sunday 22nd January 2017, Phil Hatton -
Sunday 15th January 2017, Simon Hall -
Potted history of the bible
Sunday 8th January 2017, Ruth Perrin -
Slow down, to live better
Sunday 4th December 2016, Robin Thomson -
Love like Jesus
Sunday 27th November 2016, Simon Hall -
Being Content
Sunday 20th November 2016, Mark Prothero -
Grief and Loss
Sunday 13th November 2016, Simon Hall -
"Hi - how are you?" "Fine... " The Emotionally Healthy Church - Living in Brokenness & Vulnerability
Sunday 6th November 2016, Robin Thomson -
The Emotionally Healthy Church - Break the Power of the Past
Sunday 30th October 2016, Simon Hall & Robin Thomson -
The Emotionally Healthy Church - Introduction
Sunday 23rd October 2016, Simon Hall -
Luke 20: Resurrection & Hope
Sunday 9th October 2016, Mike Nix -
Luke 17-19
Sunday 2nd October 2016, Robin Thomson -
Luke 14 - 16
Sunday 25th September 2016, Leigh Greenwood -
Luke 13
Sunday 18th September 2016, Michael Hardin -
Luke 10 - The Good Samaritan
Sunday 11th September 2016, Lee J -
Luke 8 - The parable of the sower
Sunday 31st July 2016, Glen Marshall -
Luke 6 & 7
Sunday 24th July 2016, Simon Hall -
Luke 5 + 6
Sunday 17th July 2016, Palo Tshume -
Luke 3 & 4 and Chloe's testimony
Sunday 10th July 2016, Robin Thomson -
Luke Ch 1+2
Sunday 26th June 2016, Phil Hatton -
EU Referendum
Sunday 19th June 2016, Simon Hall -
Introduction to Luke
Sunday 12th June 2016, Robin Thomson -
Sex, sexuality and gender issues - part 2: round-up
Sunday 5th June 2016, Simon Hall -
Sexuality series - summary session, part 1
Sunday 29th May 2016, Simon Hall & Robin Thomson -
Pornification and Self Image
Sunday 22nd May 2016, Simon Hall -
Singleness and Sexuality
Sunday 8th May 2016, Robin Thomson -
Homosexuality - What does the Bible say?
Sunday 24th April 2016, Jonathan Tallon -
Covenants & Marriage
Sunday 17th April 2016, Ruth Perrin -
Why talk about Sex?
Sunday 10th April 2016, Simon Hall -
Genesis 10-12: Wipeout
Sunday 3rd April 2016, Simon Hall -
How am I doing?
Sunday 20th March 2016, Gill T. -
Cain and Abel
Sunday 13th March 2016, Rachel Muers -
Genesis: From Adam to Israel
Sunday 6th March 2016, Phil Hatton -
Genesis 1: Our God is Greater
Sunday 28th February 2016, Robin Thomson -
Genesis - Fact, Fiction or Myth?
Sunday 21st February 2016, Robin Thomson -
Sunday 14th February 2016, Richard Kidd -
Why we think we are going to do what we think we are going to do
Sunday 7th February 2016, Simon Hall & Gary Farquhar -
Sunday 24th January 2016, Robin Thomson -
Worship Jesus: The Coming King
Sunday 10th January 2016, Simon Hall -
Jesus my Saviour
Sunday 3rd January 2016, Simon Hall -
Worship Jesus: Creator and Sustainer
Sunday 20th December 2015, Robin Thomson -
From Here to Maturity - I am part of the body
Sunday 6th December 2015, Simon Hall -
My lifestyle habits honour God and bless others
Sunday 29th November 2015, Gill -
I am free to do the good
Sunday 22nd November 2015, Simon Hall -
I am a disciple and a discipler
Sunday 15th November 2015, Ryan Lindsey -
I win the battles in my head
Sunday 8th November 2015, Robin and Jan Thomson -
I look for what the Father is doing
Sunday 1st November 2015, Simon Hall -
I am comfortable handling the Bible
Sunday 18th October 2015, Cassie Biggin -
From Here to Maturity: I am happy to share my faith and story with others
Sunday 11th October 2015, Simon Hall -
From Here to Maturity: I know my place in God's mission
Sunday 4th October 2015, Robin Thomson & Phillip Hatton -
From Here to Maturity: I invest in my relationship with God
Sunday 27th September 2015, Simon Hall -
Miguel - Why I am a christian
Sunday 20th September 2015, Miguel Pinedo -
From Here to Maturity #4: I'm learning the meaning of holiness
Sunday 26th July 2015, Ian Barlow -
From Here to Maturity #3: I'm working on my faith
Sunday 19th July 2015, Simon Hall -
From Here to Maturity #2: I want to Grow
Sunday 5th July 2015, Simon Hall -
From Here to Maturity #1: The Good News is for Me. What does the Gospel mean?
Sunday 28th June 2015, Robin Thomson -
Miranda's Dedication
Sunday 21st June 2015, Simon Hall -
I am in Christ
Sunday 21st June 2015, Simon Hall -
From Here to Maturity #1: The Good News is for Me
Sunday 14th June 2015, Simon Hall -
Shalom - The Peacemeal
Sunday 7th June 2015, Noel Moules -
Child Friendly Church - Children's Feedback
Sunday 31st May 2015, Miguel & Children's Groups -
Child Friendly Church - Adult discussion time
Sunday 31st May 2015, Simon & Robin -
Now & Then #12: The Temple - Psalm 69, Jeremiah 7 & John 2 v13-22
Sunday 17th May 2015, Robin Thomson -
Now & Then #11: Passover
Sunday 10th May 2015, Simon Hall -
Election Special
Sunday 3rd May 2015, Simon Hall -
Now & Then #10: The New Creation Isaiah 65 v17-25
Sunday 26th April 2015, Robin Thomson -
Now & Then #9: The Amazing Son of Man, Daniel 7
Sunday 19th April 2015, Ruth Perrin -
Climate Change & Christian Aid
Sunday 12th April 2015, Alex Jones -
Now & Then #8: Pierced for our Transgressions, Isaiah 53
Sunday 5th April 2015, Simon Hall -
Now & Then #7: God is love, Hosea 11
Sunday 29th March 2015, Rachel Muers -
Now & Then #6: Good and bad Shepherds, Ezekiel 34
Sunday 22nd March 2015, Simon Hall -
Now & Then #5: The Anointing, Isaiah 61
Sunday 15th March 2015, Haddon Wilmer -
Now & Then #4: The Cornerstone Psam 118
Sunday 8th March 2015, Robin Thomson -
Now & Then #3: Make Way! Isaiah 40
Sunday 1st March 2015, Mark Nicoli -
Now & Then #2: The Way to Heaven, Genesis 28 v 10-22
Sunday 22nd February 2015, Simon Hall -
Now & Then #1: How to read the Old Testament (in the light of the New), John 5 v30-47
Sunday 8th February 2015, Robin Thomson -
Sunday 1st February 2015, Simon Hall -
Community within Community
Sunday 25th January 2015, Robin Thomson -
Child-Friendly Church
Sunday 18th January 2015, Simon Hall -
Membership & Baptism
Sunday 11th January 2015, Robin Thomson & Simon Hall -
Sunday 4th January 2015, Simon Hall -
'To do with Christmas'
Sunday 28th December 2014, Simon Hall -
What the Papers Say - Syria and Carols in the Park
Sunday 7th December 2014, Robin Thomson -
21st Birthday - Death and Resurrection
Sunday 30th November 2014, Ashley Hardingham -
What's your style?
Sunday 23rd November 2014, Simon Hall -
The Contemplative style - Resting in the Presence of God
Sunday 16th November 2014, Roy Searle -
The Sacramental style - Expressing the Incarnation of God
Sunday 9th November 2014, Robin Thomson et al. -
The Sensory style - Enjoying God in Creation / Nature
Sunday 2nd November 2014, Tim Harberd -
The Ascetic style - Shaping Our Lives for God
Sunday 26th October 2014, Simon Hall -
The Sharing style - The Grace of Sharing & the Sharing of Grace
Sunday 12th October 2014, Robin Thomson -
The Rational style - Understanding the Nature of God
Sunday 5th October 2014, Simon Hall -
Doctrine of spirituality
Sunday 28th September 2014, Pete Jorysz -
Listening to the Word of God
Sunday 21st September 2014, Simon Hall -
God's Power
Sunday 14th September 2014, Michael Flowers -
Knowing God
Sunday 7th September 2014, Simon Hall -
Sunday 24th August 2014, Robin Thomson -
Sunday 3rd August 2014, Robin Thomson -
Hebrews 13
Sunday 27th July 2014, Mike Nix -
Hebrews 12: Discipline
Sunday 20th July 2014, Robin Thomson -
Hebrews: Don't Give Up
Sunday 29th June 2014, Rachel Muers -
Hebrews 8-10:18, A Sacrifice for the Whole World
Sunday 22nd June 2014, Robin Thomson -
A Priest for the Whole World
Sunday 15th June 2014, Simon Hall -
Leeds Faith in Schools & Update from Togo
Sunday 18th May 2014, Mark & Leeds Faith in Schools -
Hebrews 2 - Jesus our brother
Sunday 11th May 2014, Robin Thomson -
Hebrews Introduction - Idle Faith
Sunday 4th May 2014, Simon Hall -
Celebrating CAP at Chapel A
Sunday 27th April 2014, Robin Thomson and Ruth Small -
Palm Sunday
Sunday 13th April 2014, Robin Thomson -
Being Together
Sunday 6th April 2014, Phil Stone -
Preparing for Easter
Sunday 30th March 2014, Simon Hall -
Being Alive: Being Myself
Sunday 23rd March 2014, Robin Thomson -
Being Alive: Being in the Right Place at the Right Time
Sunday 16th March 2014, Simon Hall -
Being Alive: Calling
Sunday 9th March 2014, Michael Flowers -
Being Alive: Gifts
Sunday 2nd March 2014, Simon Hall -
Being Alive: Skilled & Talented
Sunday 23rd February 2014, Ben Burgess, Anna Hall & Robin Thomson -
Being "Alive!"
Sunday 16th February 2014, Simon Hall -
Being Alive: Being Human
Sunday 9th February 2014, Simon Hall -
Saved....but what for?
Sunday 2nd February 2014, Ruth & Greg Valerio -
Money & Giving
Sunday 26th January 2014, Robin Thomson -
Housegroup Review
Sunday 12th January 2014, Housegroups -
'One Anothers' Part 13 - Agree With One Another
Sunday 5th January 2014, Robin Thomson -
'One Anothers' Part 12 - Teach and Admonish One Another
Sunday 8th December 2013, Simon Hall -
'One Anothers' Part 11 - Confess Your Sins To One Another
Sunday 1st December 2013, Simon Hall -
'One Anothers' Part 10 - Do Not Envy One Another
Sunday 24th November 2013, Ian Barlow -
'One Anothers' Part 9 - Forgive One Another
Sunday 17th November 2013, Al McFadyen -
'One Anothers' Part 8 - Honour One Another
Sunday 10th November 2013, Robin Thomson -
'One Anothers' Part 7 - Greet one another with a Holy kiss
Sunday 27th October 2013, Mary Taylor -
'One Anothers' Part 6 - Offer Hospitality to One Another
Sunday 13th October 2013, Simon Hall -
'One Anothers' part 5 - Submit to One Another
Sunday 6th October 2013, Angela Hughes -
'One Anothers' part 4 - Serve One Another
Monday 30th September 2013, Simon Hall -
'One Anothers' part 3 - Pray for One Another (PDF)
Sunday 22nd September 2013, Vanessa Ingle -
'One Anothers' part 2 - Encourage One Another
Sunday 15th September 2013, Simon Hall -
'One Anothers' part 1 - Love One Another
Sunday 8th September 2013, Robin Thomson -
Fruits of the Spirit - Gentleness
Sunday 14th July 2013, Simon Hall -
Unity in Poverty Action
Sunday 30th June 2013, Mary Halsey and Dave Paterson -
Important Truth
Sunday 23rd June 2013, Glen Marshall -
Go and Make Disciples
Wednesday 5th June 2013, Mark & Jane Prothero -
What the Papers say
Sunday 14th April 2013, Robin Thomson -
Encountering Jesus: Jesus Models
Sunday 7th April 2013, Simon Hall -
Sunday 17th February 2013, Emma and Rob Flint -
Sunday 10th February 2013, Robin Thomson -
Stories about Mission
Sunday 27th January 2013, Jane Day -
Social Action
Sunday 20th January 2013, Karoly Haasz -
Personal Evangelism
Sunday 13th January 2013, Liz New -
New Year New Beginnings New Covenant
Sunday 6th January 2013, Tim Harberd -
A New Commandment for a New Year
Sunday 30th December 2012, Michael Flowers -
Great Expectations #5 The Final Kingdom
Sunday 23rd December 2012, Simon Hall -
Great Expectations #4 - The Cross
Tuesday 18th December 2012, Michael Flowers -
Great Expectations #3 - Jesus
Sunday 9th December 2012, Simon Hall -
Great Expectations #2 - Judgement (The Second Coming)
Sunday 2nd December 2012, Michael Flowers -
Great Expectations #1 - John The Baptist
Sunday 25th November 2012, Graham Brownlee -
Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
Sunday 18th November 2012, Erik Peeters -
Friday 9th November 2012, Erik Peeters -
Fruit of the Spirit: Love
Sunday 4th November 2012, Simon Hall -
Sunday 7th October 2012, Erik Peeters -
David & Goliath
Sunday 30th September 2012, Michael Flowers -
The Lord Calls Samuel
Sunday 16th September 2012, Simon Hall -
Hannah and Samuel - It's all about obedience (1 Samuel 1)
Sunday 9th September 2012, Robin Thomson -
Holiness 4
Sunday 26th August 2012, Michael Flowers -
Holiness 3
Monday 20th August 2012, Michael Flowers -
Holiness 2
Sunday 12th August 2012, Eric Peeters -
Holiness 1
Sunday 5th August 2012, Eric Peeters -
Colossians 3
Sunday 29th July 2012, Pete Jorysz -
Colossians 2 (Law V Grace)
Sunday 22nd July 2012, Haddon Wilmer -
Righteousness thru Faith
Sunday 15th July 2012, Simon Hall -
Sunday 8th July 2012, Michael Flowers -
Isaiah 64
Sunday 24th June 2012, Simon Hall -
Sunday 27th May 2012, Michael Flowers -
Good news for the poor
Sunday 20th May 2012, Stephanie Jorysz -
CAP Sunday a full life
Sunday 20th May 2012, Lisa Baxby -
Environment and Sustainabilty
Sunday 6th May 2012, Tim Harberd -
Monday 30th April 2012, Robin Thomson -
The Significance of the Resurrection of Jesus
Sunday 8th April 2012, Michael Flowers -
I don't Like Mondays
Sunday 1st April 2012, Pete Jorysz -
How can I be sure?
Sunday 18th March 2012, David Flowers -
Sunday 4th March 2012, Jim Muckelt -
2 Samuel 9
Sunday 27th November 2011, Erik Peeters -
Why Twitter makes me a better follower of Jesus
Sunday 31st July 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Romans 8
Tuesday 19th July 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 10th July 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 26th June 2011, Ash -
Sunday 26th June 2011, Mark & Jane Prothero -
Sunday 12th June 2011, Simon Hall -
Stoll Street Journal
Sunday 5th June 2011, Roger & Kathy Stoll -
Holy Spirit part 4
Sunday 29th May 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Holy Spirit (Pentecost)
Sunday 22nd May 2011, Michael Flowers -
The Holy Spirit - part 3 - The Perfect Church
Sunday 15th May 2011, Pete Jorysz -
The Holy Spirit - part 2
Sunday 8th May 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
The Holy Spirit - new series - part 1
Sunday 1st May 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
God & Us - a mismatch of expectations
Sunday 17th April 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 10th April 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 3rd April 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Born again?
Sunday 20th March 2011, Peter Jorysz -
Some perspectives on Pastoral Care
Sunday 13th March 2011, Robin Thomson -
What is so attractive about Jesus
Sunday 27th February 2011, Michael Flowers -
Relationship with God
Sunday 20th February 2011, Pete Jorysz -
Sunday 13th February 2011, Rev. Ash Hardingham -
The Pursuit of Happiness
Sunday 6th February 2011, Rev. Ashley Hardingham -
Being a Control Freak
Sunday 30th January 2011, Ash & Hannah -
Changing our Plans
Sunday 23rd January 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
It's About Time
Sunday 16th January 2011, Ann Chesworth -
Ezekiel 47 and the year ahead
Sunday 9th January 2011, Ashley Hardingham -
Remaining Faithful
Sunday 7th November 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Luke 17 - The Lord is our healer
Sunday 10th October 2010, Michael Flowers -
Kenosis Love
Sunday 3rd October 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Investing in what God does. Jeremiah 32
Sunday 26th September 2010, Tim Morfin -
Living with Loss - Jeremiah 8
Sunday 19th September 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Looking for Hope
Sunday 12th September 2010, Rev. Ashley Hardingham -
Jeremiah 2 - Memories and where is God now?
Sunday 29th August 2010, Haddon Willmer -
Jeremiah 1:1-10 - More Than...
Sunday 22nd August 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Law v Grace
Sunday 15th August 2010, Pete Jorysz -
A Heavenly Perspective
Sunday 8th August 2010, Simon Hall -
Hosea 2
Sunday 1st August 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Hosea 1
Sunday 25th July 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Scandalous Servant
Sunday 11th July 2010, Graham Brownlee -
Michael on Worship
Sunday 4th July 2010, Michael Flowers -
Lacking Nothing
Sunday 25th April 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Doing the Impossible
Sunday 18th April 2010, Phil Burns -
Resurrection Man
Sunday 11th April 2010, Michael Flowers -
Easter Sunday
Sunday 4th April 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
The Best Things In Life Are Free.
Sunday 7th March 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Forwards or Backwards
Sunday 28th February 2010, Pete Jorysz -
Sunday 21st February 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Coming to Terms With God's Glory
Sunday 14th February 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Are you being saved today
Sunday 7th February 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 31st January 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
The Joy of the Lord is your strength
Sunday 24th January 2010, Pete Jorysz -
The Church as Liminal Space
Sunday 17th January 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
How you lose your first love
Sunday 10th January 2010, Ashley Hardingham -
The Grand Miracle
Sunday 3rd January 2010, Michael Flowers -
The Annunciation and reflection
Monday 7th December 2009, Simon Hall -
Bringing it all back home
Sunday 29th November 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Reflections on Chapel A/The Week Before Advent
Sunday 22nd November 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
CAP Celebration.
Sunday 15th November 2009, Nicola Robiinson -
The widow's mite revisited
Sunday 8th November 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
A Walk of Faith
Sunday 1st November 2009, Rob White -
Sunday 18th October - Job and suffering
Sunday 18th October 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Walking By Faith
Sunday 11th October 2009, Mark & Jane Prothero -
Why Christians are Losers
Sunday 13th September 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Gideon III
Sunday 2nd August 2009, Pete Jorysz -
Life's not fair!
Sunday 26th July 2009, Mark Riches -
Gideon part 2 - Judges 7
Sunday 19th July 2009, Michael Flowers -
Gideon part 1 - Judges 6
Sunday 12th July 2009, Rachel Morfin -
Judges 4 Deborah
Sunday 14th June 2009, Rachel Morfin -
Sunday 31st May 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Sharing Communion
Sunday 24th May 2009, Michael Flowers -
Nehemiah 13
Sunday 17th May 2009, Pete Jorysz -
Nehemiah 8-11 - The basis of renewal
Sunday 3rd May 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Nehemiah 6 - How to fail in leadership
Sunday 26th April 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Nehemiah 5
Sunday 19th April 2009, Pete Jorysz -
'Who will roll away the stone?' God doing, what only God can.
Sunday 12th April 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
If It had not been for the Lord
Sunday 5th April 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Nehemiah 3
Sunday 29th March 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Nehemiah 2 - Assessing the Job
Sunday 22nd March 2009, Simon Hall -
Nehemiah 1
Sunday 15th March 2009, Les Tyler -
Why Chapel A isn't lucky(series in pastoral care, part 6 - last in series)
Sunday 8th March 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
When to say No (series in pastoral care, part 5)
Sunday 1st March 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Why suffering? (series in pastoral care, part 4)
Sunday 22nd February 2009, Michael Flowers -
Sharing Pain (series in pastoral care, part 3)
Sunday 15th February 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Story Telling (series on pastoral care, part 2)
Sunday 8th February 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Why pastoral work is hard (series in pastoral care, part 1)
Sunday 1st February 2009, Ashley Hardingham -
Palm trees in the Bible
Sunday 25th January 2009, Rachel Morfin -
Knowing the Will of God
Sunday 11th January 2009, Haddon Wilmer -
New Year Resolutions
Sunday 4th January 2009, Pete Jorysz -
Sunday 21st December 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
The Second Coming of Christ
Sunday 14th December 2008, Michael Flowers -
A Woman's Disgrace - Matthew 1 and Luke 1
Sunday 7th December 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Sermon on the Mount - concluded
Sunday 30th November 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
False Leader
Sunday 23rd November 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
The Salvation Army's work in east Leeds
Sunday 16th November 2008, Andrew Grinell -
Name it and Claim it
Sunday 9th November 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Judge not..lest ye be judged
Sunday 2nd November 2008, Ruth Perrin -
Worry, what keeps you awake at night
Sunday 26th October 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
God and Mammon (5 mins of Bangladesh info at the start)
Sunday 19th October 2008, Michael Flowers -
How do I look?
Sunday 12th October 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Sermon on the Mount - Not one Letter
Sunday 5th October 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Not one Letter (NB quiet start)
Sunday 14th September 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Salt and Light
Sunday 7th September 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Sermon on the Mount
Sunday 31st August 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 10th August 2008, Rachel Morfin -
God is Love
Sunday 3rd August 2008, Pete Jorysz -
Choose Life
Sunday 27th July 2008, Michael Flowers -
2 Kings Gehazi
Sunday 20th July 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
2 Kings 5 - the Hardest Thing
Sunday 13th July 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
2 Kings - Movin' on up
Sunday 6th July 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
The Banquet
Sunday 22nd June 2008, Simon Hall -
Evangelism - series conclusion
Sunday 8th June 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Power Evangelism
Sunday 1st June 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Convert Thy Neighbour
Monday 26th May 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 18th May 2008, Robin Thomson -
The Spirit of Evangelism
Sunday 11th May 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
The evangelism of Jesus
Sunday 4th May 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
The God of Mission (Hosea 11)
Sunday 27th April 2008, Glen Marshall -
Evangelism - What on Earth are we doing?
Sunday 20th April 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Can I get a witness?
Sunday 13th April 2008, Michael Flowers -
The Emmaus Road (Luke 24)
Sunday 30th March 2008, Pete Jorysz -
Easter Sunday - Christus Victor
Sunday 23rd March 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
One Song (inc 5 mins prayers at start)
Sunday 16th March 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Christians Against Poverty
Sunday 9th March 2008, Matt Barlow -
Re-ordering the world order
Sunday 2nd March 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Marriage & Singleness
Sunday 24th February 2008, Robin Thomson -
Colossians 2 - Sick in a new way
Sunday 3rd February 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
You are here
Sunday 27th January 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
The Happy Hippy Commune
Sunday 20th January 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
God Pie
Sunday 13th January 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
You could have had it so much better
Sunday 6th January 2008, Ashley Hardingham -
Remembering 2007
Sunday 30th December 2007, Michael Flowers -
Isaiah 9
Sunday 9th December 2007, Dave Hitchcock -
Isaiah 7
Sunday 2nd December 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Isaiah 35
Sunday 25th November 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Marriage - Under the Chuppah
Sunday 21st October 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
The Lighthouse Group
Sunday 14th October 2007, Tim Morfin -
The Disconnection of Life
Sunday 7th October 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
The Image of God
Sunday 30th September 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Numbers - Part 8 - Chapter 22 (crackly - apologies)
Sunday 19th August 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Mission in the UK
Sunday 12th August 2007, Tim Morfin -
Numbers - Part 7 - Chapter 20
Sunday 5th August 2007, Robin Thomson -
Numbers - Part 6 - Chapter 21
Sunday 29th July 2007, Michael Flowers -
Numbers - Part 5
Sunday 22nd July 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Numbers - Part 4
Sunday 15th July 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Numbers, Part 3
Sunday 8th July 2007, Simon Hall -
Numbers 2
Sunday 1st July 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Numbers 1 - Census sense?
Sunday 24th June 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Assurance as a Christian
Sunday 27th May 2007, Michael Flowers -
Sunday message
Sunday 20th May 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday notices
Sunday 13th May 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday message
Sunday 13th May 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Dealing with Depression
Sunday 6th May 2007, Pete Jorysz -
James 5
Sunday 29th April 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
James 4 - Doing business with God
Thursday 19th April 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
James 3, Part 2
Sunday 15th April 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Easter Sunday
Sunday 8th April 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
A Man of Sorrows
Sunday 1st April 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
James 2
Sunday 25th March 2007, Pete Jorysz -
James 1- You don't have to have it all together to have it all together
Sunday 11th March 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
How to be Happy
Sunday 25th February 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 18th February 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
The Importance of Touch
Sunday 11th February 2007, Andy Hobbs -
Money (Word document only)
Sunday 4th February 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Education, education, education
Sunday 28th January 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Pre-sermon prayers
Sunday 21st January 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Asylum Seekers and Immigration
Sunday 21st January 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
Secularism Part 2
Sunday 14th January 2007, Ashley Hardingham -
God is Dead/The Rise of the Secular
Sunday 7th January 2007, Simon Hall -
Why is it 'wonderful' to be a Christian?
Sunday 31st December 2006, Michael Flowers -
Misplaced Hope?
Sunday 17th December 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
The Joy and Hope of Christmas (very quiet for first 20 seconds)
Sunday 10th December 2006, Pete Jorysz -
Prayer - Dealing with bad language
Sunday 3rd December 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
How to Pray
Sunday 19th November 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Why Pray?
Sunday 12th November 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Intro to Prayer
Sunday 5th November 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
The Shadow and the Substance
Sunday 29th October 2006, Michael Flowers -
Daniel 1
Sunday 22nd October 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Psalms - an overview
Sunday 15th October 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Philippians 3
Sunday 8th October 2006, Pete Jorysz -
Mark 16
Sunday 24th September 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Mark 15
Sunday 17th September 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Mark 14
Sunday 10th September 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Mark 12 v1-17
Sunday 6th August 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Mark 10, part 2
Sunday 30th July 2006, Pete Jorysz -
Mark 10
Sunday 16th July 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Mark 9
Sunday 2nd July 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 18th June 2006, Simon Hall -
Mark 8
Sunday 11th June 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 4th June - Mark 7
Sunday 4th June 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
the Gerasenes
Sunday 21st May 2006, Ashley Hardingham -
Sunday 14th May
Sunday 14th May 2006, Andy Hobbs -
Jesus Goes Toe-to-Toe
Sunday 7th May 2006, Ashley Hardingham